Behind the scenes of filming a commercial for AirAsia and Hawaii Tourism

Behind the Scenes Filming a Commercial for AirAsia and Hawaii Tourism
November 19, 2018 storyfrontier

This summer we got a chance to work on an international collaboration between AirAsia and Hawai’i Tourism S.E. Asia (HTSEA) producing a video commercial to encourage Asian audiences to visit Hawaii.

The concept: Stressed out Asian Office Girl Finds Her True Self in Hawai’i, was brought to the table by HTSEA, with Storyfrontier left to visualise and execute. 2 days production in Kuala Lumpur, 3 days production in Hawai’i.

The final video also required creation of X4 15 second ads split out across themes such as Culture, Adventure, Food, Culture. (examples below).

The ad was filmed on the Canon C200 Cinema Camera in 4K Raw to allow for maximum quality in post production workflow and resizing to vertical and square formats.

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